Hiring and compliance for your international workforce.
Issa Compass connects local owners and global talent to build great businesses together. With software that automates immigration, Issa opens a new world of talent and opportunities.
Cover Image for Hiring and compliance for your <b>international workforce</b>.
Trusted by leading global and local brands
Brand image for Bolan
Brand image for CHAGEE
Brand image for Emsphere
Brand image for Ford Motors
Crafted for the international workforce
Loyalty starts with how you hire
Great businesses feel like families, and employee commitment begins with how you hire. Issa Compass streamlines recruiting and compliance through software, allowing you to meet the most dedicated employees in the world and effortlessly support your international workforce.
A devoted team is your secret ingredient
Issa Compass harnesses the power of technology and a global community to change the way you expand and invest in your team. Our platform serves as a bridge between your brand and international talent. We accelerate hiring and compliance so your team can focus on what they do best — bringing skill and passion to your table.
Cover Image for A devoted team is your secret ingredient
Dream bigger than your comfort zone
Great achievements come at the intersection of diverse minds, cultures, and perspectives. For global talent, we turn a daunting transition into a smooth experience, one they can navigate within days on our app. The power to shape your own life should not be hindered by paperwork. It should be limitless, seamless, and worry-free.
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Perspectives from our Partners
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More than a community program
Backed by global investors and led by a team of technologists and seasoned restaurateurs, our mission is to foster a world where passionate people can freely move and work — and you can build your brand vision with the most dedicated workforce anywhere. Let's change the world together. Welcome to Issa Compass.
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Continue Reading

As a team of restaurateurs and hoteliers, Issa knows the struggles of the service sector firsthand. And we have good news. Learn more about us.

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Our world is global. It's time for people to be global too. Imagine a world where anyone can move and work anywhere. Learn more about our mission.